Grant Projects

Media Training for migrant workers’ self-empowerment & community advocacy
Period 2021-2022
Partner Indonesian Migrant Workers Union (IMWU)
Project Code G2145
Grant Amount(HKD) HKD 50,000
Concern Area Freedom from Discrimination

This project is a sequel and succession of the project "「移工眾聲」計劃 / Voices of Migrant workers / Ruang Curhat Migran" previously supported by the HER Fund Community Response Grant.  


The project is multi-led by various experienced migrant workers groups' organisers including IMWU and PILAR, and coordinated by a dedicated local Hong Kong organiser from misocom (migrant solidarity committee). The workshops aim to enable migrant workers to express their feelings and needs through different forms of media production, through which, they are able to construct their own narratives to counteract the stigmatisation of the mainstream media and eliminate public misconceptions and discrimination against migrant workers.