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Mutual Help - Jei Jei Jai Association

In 2008, four sex workers were brutally murdered. Out of the tragedy Jei Jei Jai (JJJ) Association, the city's first self-help and independent organization run by sex workers of one-woman brothels, was born.

"The murders represented a wake-up call," says Lili, a committee member of the association that now has over 700 registered members. "We were joined together as we felt that as members of the sex industry we needed to voice out and do something for ourselves."

The association started out as a self-help group convened by Zi Teng almost 10 years ago when sex workers of one-woman brothels were easy targets of harassment, assault and exploitation.

"It was common for neighbors to knock on my door, to verbally insult me or to call the police to harass me," says Nancy, who entered the sex trade about 10 years ago to support her family.

Then she spent about $20,000 to rent and refurbish a flat to set up business but was soon forced out by neighbors and flat owners. "I had to keep moving places and I felt really helpless because it became very difficult to me to make a living," adds Nancy, also a committee member of the association.

She contacted Zi Teng for help and soon became part of a group of Jei Jei Jai who were keen to support each other by exchanging sex advice and safety tips as well as advocating the rights of sex workers.

In the past safety concerns and human rights of sex workers were rarely discussed by the public, and often Jei Jei Jai were reluctant to report abuses and robberies to the police because of the latter's indifference. "The police just ignored us as if what happened to us were not crimes," says Lili.

Yet all began to change a few years ago because of the murders, which caused an outcry in society, as well as subsequent education campaigns and reports launched by Zi Teng and the association.

Now more people – including the police – are aware of the plight and rights of sex workers. "At least the police now treat us like ordinary citizens and will process our complaints," says LiLi, adding that the police now even volunteered to meet with sex workers every six months to discuss safety issues.

For now, the association – funded and supported by HER Fund over the past year – has maintained contact with over 2,000 one woman brothels throughout Hong Kong thanks to its outreach services. Also it publishes a newsletter and holds regular meetings for sex workers to exchange information regarding the sex industry.

Yet the primary issue, according to Lili, is to strive for the decriminalization of sex work. Decriminalizing sex work could allow Jei Jei Jai to work together under safer and healthier conditions. For instance, they could rent a flat together and operate as a mini-brothel to share costs and look after each other.

"We just want people to treat us like normal working women. We want neither attention nor oppression," Lili adds.

Nancy says for centuries sex work has served a function in society and it's time for people to look into the trade from a different perspective.

"We earn money but in return we provide services to men with sexual needs. Some men are widowed or single and it is natural for them to have sexual desires," says Nancy. "Sex work is also a kind of work. We don't want to rely on welfare and we work hard to put food on the table for our children."

Lili says decriminalization of sex work is a controversial issue that is likely to spark off fierce debates, through which people may explore alternatives to the mainstream sex culture. "Moral standard should adjust with the times," she says.

We may not share the same moral standard, but we should acknowledge that sex workers should enjoy their basic human rights such as freedom from violence as any other person like you and me.

Further Questions:

Why sex workers prefer to set up their own organization?
What are JJJ Association’s organizing strategies?
Why HER Fund gives grant to JJJ Association?

If you want to learn more about JJJ Association, please join our Donor Visit:

Date: 24th September, 2011 (Saturday)
Time: 1:30 – 3:00pm
Assembly point: Jordan MTR Station Exit C
Content: Visit JJJ Association to understand the work of mutual help group

Welcome to bring friends to join us. Enquiry or Registration: 2794-1100, or you can click here to register online.

News Update
1) The Universal Pension Scheme Grant for Women

Thank you for your support! We have raised enough funding to support “The Universal Pension Scheme Grant for Women” between April and July 2011. The following 3 projects will be sponsored:

* Women and Universal Pension Scheme Reporting and Educational Project by Hong Kong In-media
* Homemakers Sing for Universal Pension Scheme by Hong Kong Homemakers' Alliance
New Arrival Women Strive for Universal Pension Scheme by New Women Arrivals League

2) News on SCMP

South China Morning Post interviewed our Executive Director, Linda To, and our grantee, YMCA Kornhill Centre Integrated Service Centre. They talked about the Centre’s cyber friendship's project. The article was published on 10th July, please click here to read the whole story.

Why does HER Fund promote women’s political participation?

Orientation Workshop for 4 Asian Women's Fund

Whether the basic human rights of women, to name a few such as fertility, health, employment, security, community participation, housing, etc. are being protected largely determined by the process of formulation and decision-making of related policies and legislation. However, women representation as well as their participation in Hong Kong's political arena today is very low( Legislative Council 18%; Executive Council 21%; and Government Directorate Level 14% ). Besides, most policy decision-making process is not gender sensitive at all. Empowering women’s political participation and enhancing women's capacity to take part in decision-making process is therefore vital in order to safeguard women's human rights.

Together with 4 Asian women's funds from Mongolia, India, Nepal and Bangladesh, HER Fund launched a research study on "Where is the Money for Women's Political Participation in Asia?". Result of this research revealed the lack of financial resources for women's political participation. The Asian Network collaborated to raise funds and succeeded in securing a grant for HER Fund to disburse for projects empowering women’s political participation. HER Fund is now inviting funding proposals:

Project Implement Period: October 2011 – March 2013

Grant Amount: About HKD200,000

Application Period: 5th August – 5th September, 2011

Please click here for grant-making requirements, and click here to download the application form. Please submit via e-mail AND hard copy by mail. Confirmation note from HER Fund will be sent to you upon receiving your application.

If you have any query to this designated grant, please contact our Programme Officer, Judy Kan, at 2794-1100 or

Latest Promotion for Share Talent Members

Birthday Lucky Draw

From July 2011, we have lucky draw every month to pick one member whose birthday is in that month. Winner will get $100 supermarket cash coupon. Birthday Lucky Draw for July and August were finished on 26th and 28th July. HER Fund's chairperson, Ms. Mary Ann-King, did the lucky draw, and the lucky member is "Wong Lai Fan" for July, and Line Dance teachers picked "Chan Yuk Ha" for August. Congratulations! Please click here for lucky draw pictures.

Enjoy Share Talent courses with your friends!

From now on until 31st Dec, introduce a friend to join as member of Share Talent and register a course successfully, you can GET a LESSON for FREE! Click here for more details.

Share Talent New Courses

Balloon Twisting Class- Parent and Child
Date: 21st, 28th August 2011 (Sunday)
Time: 2:30-4:30pm
Fee (member): $400/2 sessions (Include 1 parent and 1 kid. Material fee is included.)
Talent Teacher: Gary

DIY Hand Cream / Facial Cream Workshop - Parent and Child
Date: 25th August (Thursday)
Time: 7:30-9:00pm
Fee (member): $300/session (Include 1 parent and 1 kid. Material fee is included, you can bring 100g cream to home. Please bring your own 100g jar)
Talent Teacher: Venus

DIY Skin Care Product Workshop - Bath Bomb
Date: 8th Sep or 13th Oct (Thursday)
Time: 7:30-9:00pm
Fee (member): $150/session (Material Fee Included, You can bring product of 40g to home)
Talent Teacher: Venus

DIY Skin Care Product Workshop - Vitamin B5 Moisturizer + Eye Gel
Date: 22nd Sep or 27th Oct (Thursday)
Time: 7:30-9:00pm
Fee (member): $200/session (Material Fee Included, You can bring 100g of moisturizer & 50g of eye gel to home)
Talent Teacher: Venus

Doll Knitting Class (Dog)
Date: 6th, 20th, 27th Sep (Tuesday))
Time: 7:30-9:00pm
Fee (member): $220 / 3 session (Material Fee Included)
Talent Organization: The New England Music and Education Centre

Yoga Class
Date: Every Monday
Time: 7:30-9:00pm
Fee (member): $280/4 sessions or $90/session; Trial lesson:$45; Coupon Fee
Talent Teacher: Mandy, Irene

For more classes, please click here, or call us at 2794-1100.

Share Talent on Google Search

Thank you Google Grant for giving HER Fund free advertising space on Google Search! It is our hope that through this advertisement, more people will get to know HER Fund and Share Talent, and more people join Share Talent courses to promote women's rights work.

HER Advisors

It is our honour to have Ms. Ada Wong, JP and Ms. Chan Yuen Han, SBS, JP to be HER Fund's advisors. We look forward to their new insights and let's develop a better world for women together!

8th HER Fund Annual General Meeting

HER Fund's 8th Annual General Meeting will be held on 17th September, 2011 (Saturday) at 12:00noon at Second Floor Cafe (2/F 228 Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Prince Edward). You are welcome to attend the meeting.


HER Fund is a member of the International Network of Women's Funds (INWF),
and a partner member of the Women's Funding Network (WFN).

Please forward HER News to 5 of your friends who concerns about the women issue

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