
HER Fund是香港唯一定期以撥款形式支持本地婦女人權及性別平等的民間基金。資助的邊緣婦女群體及項目,有著一個個敢於改變的故事。



HER Fund資助香港主婦聯盟主婦唱「好」全民退休保障,透過培訓工作坊、歌詠團及調查發佈,加強婦女及社區人士對全民退休保障的了解,招募更多家庭主婦爭取全民退休保障。也同時宣揚「家務勞動也是工作」,絶不應忽略其重要價值。
HER Fund資助循道衛理亞斯理社會服務處學校社會工作部,透過「我是身體的主人」計劃,助青少女反思及打破傳統性別定型,真正發揮個人潛能。參與的女生現在不會只為滿足普遍社會對女性外表的期望,而更會尊重是否合乎自己意願而行事。而她們的改變也逐漸影響著身邊受性別角色困擾的女生,以朋輩經歷來宣揚性別平等的訊息。
HER Fund資助低收入婦女自助互助組織-婦女貧窮關注會,推行培訓培育團體領袖,提升組織能力,使團體能更穩固地發展,團結更多同路人,把貧窮婦女所面對的社區問題,直接向有關部門表達意見,爭取權益保障,改善生活處境。
現存的《性別歧視條例》,並不包括顧客性騷擾「服務提供者」的情況。空中服務員、顧客服務員、侍應、售貨員等工種,皆不受保障。HER Fund兩度支持新婦女協進會「女體勞工小組」,透過調查、工作坊及組織工作,喚起大眾關注,促使政府正視問題的嚴重性。這些行動帶來改變,平等機會委員會主席表示,會於2013年年中,檢討現行法例的不足,並確認有修改的必要。

» 更多「.敢於改變」的故事

HER “Dares to Change” Stories

HER Fund supports Hong Kong’s marginalized women and projects to advance gender equality and women’s human rights. All HER grantees share a “dare to change” story.

”SHE” may be a single mother who is a social security recipient, a young girl who is finding her way out, a lesbian, a low income working woman, a homemaker, a sex worker, an ethnic minority mother, a new immigrant woman, a foreign domestic helper…

Because of their social position and identity, they face discrimination, unjust treatment, intimidation, violence. But with a “dare to change attitude”, they all step out from their marginalized and invisible situation, to speak for themselves, fight for their basic human rights, share their wisdom and experiences, and made changes to their lives and to other women !

To Improve Livelihood of Women
HER Fund supported the “Homemakers Sing for Universal Pension Scheme” by Hong Kong Homemakers’ Alliance. The project organized training workshops, set up a homemakers’ choir to sing and advocate their demands, and conduct a survey to help women and the community better understand the importance of the Universal Pension Scheme and to get their support.
Stepping Up Gender Awareness of Young Girls
HER Fund supported “Love Me” project by Asbury Methodist Social Service School Social Worker Team. The project inspired young girls to reflect on the traditional gender roles and stereotypes, which greatly influenced their individual development. Girls in the project learnt to appreciate their uniqueness and strengths and would not simply comply with the society’s expectations on women’s appearance. After the workshop, the participating young girls, became the agent of change, and were able to influence other young women around them who are troubled by stereotypical gender roles through sharing their own experiences.
Building capacity of Grassroots Women
HER Fund supported the “Capacity Building Program for Grassroots Women” by Concerning Group for Women Poverty. The grant strengthened the Group to train up leaders of this independent self-help organization of grassroots women in Tuen Mun. Programs included training on organizational development and program skills. Through training and practice, they were able to run the organization in a more effective way, and to serve more poor women in the community through collective expressing their needs and concerns to the authority.
Combating Gender Based Violence
The current Sexual Discrimination Ordinance does not protect service provider if they are sexual harassed by customers. That means occupations like flight attendant, customer service, waiter or waitress, sales person, are not protected by the Ordinance now.

HER Fund supported The Bodily Labor Group from The Association for the Advancement of Feminism (AAF) to called for social concerns and urge the government to amend this unjust law. The Group advocated the amendment of the law via survey, workshop, and mobilization of young female “bodily labor workers” to participation in the past 2 years. All these efforts successfully urged the Equal Opportunity Commission to review the Ordinance in mid-2013, and admitted that amendment is necessary.

» More “She Dares to Change” Stories